
Some of our Recipients

John Muir National Historic Site - California 

Ranger Matt

2013 & 2012

Root For Peace donated another  500 plants for land restoration  Dec. 2013 This is our second year to donate. Last year we donated to National Parks Day Sept. 2012 in John Muir's National Historic Park in Martinez.  

John Muir was many things, inventor, immigrant, botanist, glaciologist, writer, family man, co-founder of the Sierra Club, fruit rancher. But it was John Muir's love of nature, and the preservation of it, that we can thank him for today. Muir's nature writings convinced U.S. presidents to protect Yosemite, Sequoia, Grand Canyon, and Mt. Rainier as National Parks.


Yosemite National Park 
Tuolumne Meadows,

Daisy spent a week in Tuolumne Meadows working for the park service with the Sierra club to restore the meadow below Lambert Dome in August 2012. This restoration project also secured the 6,000-year-old archaeological site from foot traffic. We relocated hundreds of natives and moved 20 yards of soil to cover wayward trails.  


San Francisco Bay's leading champion since 1961.  

Root For Peace donated 3000 plants for their education and restoration project.   Save The Bay’s Watershed Curriculum is designed to help Bay Area science and environmental educators easily incorporate experiential, Bay-specific activities into their lessons. The curriculum meets the California Science Framework and State Science Standards for middle and high school levels. The curriculum contains 29 experiential activities that are easy to teach and excellent for developing an appreciation for and understanding of the San Francisco Bay watershed. Activities focus on ecology, evolution, geology, history of human impact, and action projects.

The Eco-Center at Heron's Head Park: 

Root For Peace donated 3000 plants for their education and restoration project.  

Where Learning Comes Alive  Literacy For Environmental Justice. The Eco-Center has been recognized with a 2010 US EPA Environmental Justice Achievement Award

San Francisco Zen Center Green Gulch Farm Zen Center,  
Root For Peace donated 500 plants for their education and restoration projectAlso known as the Green Dragon Temple (Soryu-ji), is a Buddhist practice center in the Japanese Soto Zen tradition offering training in Zen meditation and ordinary work.

HomeThe New Village School 
Root for Peace donated 500 California native plants toward their landscape project.
The New Village School Providing a sustainable Education for the 21st Century. Our plant donation raised $1000 for their school garden program by selling Root For Peace natives.

Cass Gidley Marina
Root for Peace donated 500 California native plants toward their landscape project.

A non- profit small vessel harbor on Sausalito’s unique waterfront. Building an accessible public. harbor. Creating an affordable community boating and maritime education center. Preserving  Sausalito's rich maritime history and small craft heritage through affordable direct experience.

Galilee Harbor  
Root for Peace donated 1000 California native plants toward their landscape project. 

Galilee Harbor is a community association on the bay with a large community run garden is located at the foot of Napa Street in central Sausalito, California. The Harbor is bounded by Schoonmaker Marina to the north and northeast, Dunphy Park to the south. Restoring the waterfront property with coastal natives keeps everyone in the loop from fish to butterfly happy.

Hoopa Tribal Forestry

Root For Peace is delighted to have donated 2500 pots & racks and shade cloth to expand their restoration nursery. 

The Hoopa Tribal Forestry Department works under the direction of the Hoopa Valley Tribal Council, and is responsible for Forest Management of the tribe’s 90,000-acre reservation. This is accomplished through the efforts of the forestry department, under the direction of a forest manager. Professional resource specialists, technical staff, field crews and resource contractors work in unison to accomplish assigned goals. The Hoopa Tribal Forestry Department is comprised of the following sub-departments: Administration, Timber Sales Layout/Admin., Forest Management Inventory and Planning, Wildlife, Tsemeta Nursery. 

Marin Master Gardeners - Blackies Pasture and Marin School Garden projects
Root For Peace donated 100 new plants to the Blackies Pasture Native garden and 300 Plants to the local school garden.

In the early 1990s the entrance to Blackie’s Pasture was a mud hole in winter and a dust bowl in summer. 1995 Harvey Rogers, a local Master Gardener, heard of the project and became involved. It wasn’t long until he had organized a larger band of volunteers comprising other Master Gardeners and gardening enthusiasts. With the natural environment and water conservation in mind, they developed a theme for the garden utilizing native plants. Over the years volunteers have given the garden their creativity, regular, ongoing care, and loving attention. Harvey is still there today inspiring both plants and people.

Root For Peace also donated 1500 plants for the Mount Tamalpais - Myrtle Project to restore barren hillside with native plants to reduce erosion.


Watershed Nursery - Richmond
Bay Natives - San Francisco

Ongoing Garden Projects:

Native Plant Education Garden at the Marin Headlands visitor center. 
Miwok Grocery Store Hikes and harvest.
Whole Foods- Food - a film project.